
Celebration: Lines, Shapes and Shadows

“The present changes the past. Looking back you do not find what you left behind.”
― Kiran Desai,
The Inheritance of Loss

Presenting two more photos from my photo-walk in Celebration Town Center, both taken at the AMC Celebration 2 theatre building — closed since 2010. The sun was out and quite bright, but the storm coming in created the perfect opportunity to capture some interesting shadows and dramatic clouds. My next post will feature the final image from that day. Like the photo of the theatre’s twin spires here, it also has great clouds. So please come back! I hope you enjoy the photos.

"A Shape and Shadow", Nikon D800, ISO 640, f/22 at 1/320 sec., 28mm

“Shape and Shadow”, Nikon D800, ISO 640, f/22 at 1/320 sec., 28mm

"Line and Shadow", Nikon D800, ISO 640, f/22 at 1/320 sec., 28mm

“Line and Shadow”, Nikon D800, ISO 640, f/22 at 1/320 sec., 28mm

Photographing people, places, pets and ponderings.

Now booking actor/actress and business headshot package sessions throughout Central Florida. Inquire for more information.

Many of the photos on my blog are now available on Etsy.

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Past Life

“Clouds suit my mood just fine.”
― Marie Lu,

I don’t think I could have been much more pleased with the clouds in this photo. Captured just minutes before a torrential afternoon thunderstorm was unleashed upon us, the B&W conversion allowed me to push the range of tones in the image and pull out those clouds. Deepening the blacks created a darker mood and atmosphere not as present in the color image but, for me, took it from “So what?” to “Oh, nice!”. I hope you like it, too.

"Past Life", Nikon D800, ISO 640 f/13 at 1/640sec., 125mm

“Past Life”, Nikon D800, ISO 640 f/13 at 1/640sec., 125mm

Photographing people, places, pets and ponderings.

Booking family, personal, business and pet portrait sittings throughout Central Florida

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